Crystal Viper – Queen Of The Witches (2017) – Due to an unforeseen health scare in 2013, the future of this Polish heavy metal act was in question for quite a while. Marta Gabriel, the band’s founder and frontwoman faced a condition so literally grim that the entire band wasContinue Reading

Bloodbound – War Of Dragons (2017) – The second album since Bloodbound’s questionable metamorphosis from that of a traditional anthemic heavy metal act to that of full-on symphonic power metal, I also find myself not exactly impressed with this release. The band’s previous effort Stormborn (2014) did not impress meContinue Reading

Accept – Accept (1979 Remastered Platinum Edition) – Featuring a rather rough looking broad with a massive chainsaw on the front cover, this was the debut release for these now German heavy metal legends. Accept are even a household name in the genre, especially in their homeland where several newer actsContinue Reading