Editorial: Alright, So Now Everyone Wants To Be An Incel. What In The Hell Happened Here?

I’ve been around for quite a while and in these nearly forty years, I’ve seen several unexpected changes. The biggest of them would be the dynamic shift of gender roles within the west, as well as the destruction of the natural order, which is patriarchal. Throughout the world, very few thriving matriarchies exist. Men were always relied on to fix problems, whether something went wrong in the house, or something went wrong in the world at large – it was always a man’s job to fix it. However, progressivism decided to push more masculine roles towards women and more feminine roles towards men, which actually causes part of the massive imbalance that we’re seeing today. Obviously there are flaws with our current culture and flaws with both men and women, which have not proven beneficial over the last decade. There are more reports of murder, suicide, depression and loneliness than there have ever been in recorded history. It was also recently reported that over 51% of Americans now classify as single. Studies can be skewed in one way or another, but for the most part that is what has been reported in 2019. Things were looking pretty bad, I have to say. There were a lot of incel related shootings, many of which I covered. And to be fair, I thought that maybe a sex doll or something of that nature could help these men – and for some, it did. However, that’s not even the vast majority.

Believe it or not, I’m even noticing this phenomenon at my workplace. I won’t go into detail, but I notice men who are definitely what I want to call “Shellies.” Now let me explain that term for you. As it is October, my favorite time of the year, I decide to start watching horror films, both old and new. There are many classic horror flicks I have never seen and I’m sorry to say that The Friday The 13th Movies are one of them. Aside from the killing, there are characters introduced with quirks and story lines, most of which end at Jason’s blade. However, there is one character in particular that I need to mention and that would be Shelly from Friday The 13th Part 3. Any incels reading this will probably now flip back to that movie and understand exactly what I’m talking about here. Art can explain quite a bit about society and while that trope was niche in those days, it has now become a rampant reality of our modern times.

Shelly is for the most part, an overweight young man with frizzy hair, not unlike an afro. You may call it a “Jew-fro” but it is not mentioned whether or not the character is Jewish and that has little to do with what I’m talking about, it’s just a term to help you understand what he looks like. Overweight, frizzy hair, fat face and plain out self-loathing as all hell. His friend in the film got Shelly a date to take to the cabin. The date is gorgeous, everything that incels claim a Stacey is. Everything that they want in an ideal woman. Obviously those films picked gorgeous young actresses, so this kind of thing is seen as a rarity to incels. They believe that men who look and act this way do not get that kind of girl. However, we have to go a bit further with this and focus on their conversation. Shelly likes playing pranks on people and comes off as a “jerk.” He fakes death once in the film and then fakes being Jason while wearing the iconic hockey mask for the first time in franchise history, rising up out of the water. It’s this hockey mask, first worn by Shelly; that becomes a franchise stable. In any case, when he is called a jerk a second time by this beautiful date, he exclaims, “Well, if I’m not a jerk, then I’m not anything.” You and I have both heard this kind of mentality when it comes to the incel line of thinking. It’s extremely black pilled. However, the date remarks that his courage in standing up to a dangerous biker gang does not make him a jerk. She says that she does not see him that way. However, in the incel mindset – in Shelly’s mindset, he feels the opposite. He assures her that there is no way she could be interested in him. It is worth noting that there is an odd moment just before the iconic “rising out of the water” scene in which the two are talking and he has just finished juggling balls. She remarks that he is “quite good at that” and he thinks that maybe because of his courageous act (which usually works for possibly more attractive men) she would be willing to have sex with him. However, she refuses and that’s when the negativity comes in. What’s more, is that the sex never happens. The same can be said for the guy watching reels of old stag films in Friday The 13th Part IV (The Final Chapter). As I am a newcomer to these films, I did not realize that these incel type men would be featured, the men who wallow in self-pity or relieve themselves with porn. I myself was in this situation, partly because I was on the spectrum and did not understand social cues. However, I did, like the character in the fourth film, have relationships with some girls and sex. That may slightly put me on a higher level of the incel scale than others, though I do not consider myself that and would definitely throw myself into the volcel category. Men in the heavy levels of the incel category will shout profane statements at men who have had sex or the touch of a woman at all.

Of course, you should know about incel culture from my previous articles on it, and to be fair, when I was dating women I was religious and not willing to just jump right in. There were several women I dated where sex was not all that important and they realized that, which actually drew them closer to me. I’ve actually turned down women as well, because I just did not feel it would be right, though I will admit that I lost more than a few shots I didn’t take or did not realize at the time were shots. It happens, especially when you couldn’t read the cues.  But one thing I tried not to do was roll into self-loathing. Oh sure, there were gloomy moments, but I never actually considered killing myself because of this. I was bullied and had threatened to permanently end the bullies (I was also prescribed Prozac at the time for some reason, it was certainly not a drug for attention deficit disorder) but was later forced to become friends with the bullies. My stepfather had a grand idea of hiring the bullies to work for him. It was interesting and they treated me with better respect, I could say that they definitely admired my stepfather. Looking back, I’m glad I didn’t actually take my life. I would have missed out on some great things. And drugs are bad, especially when they’re using you as a test dummy. So it wasn’t great, but I did have experiences that many men in this incel category have never had, so I do understand where they are coming from and why they want these experiences. Though not all of them are honestly worth experiencing and were more like cautionary tales or “I’ll never do that again” than anything to the tune of enjoyment.

Unfortunately, the incel category is growing. The manosphere used to consist of several groups, namely the MRA’s, the PUA’s (Pick Up Artists), MGTOW’s (that’s me, but I don’t like the acronym) and a small category of incels. Well, it was small. I remember a guy by the name of Monday Blue who used to be a very good “incel coach” and was really trying to find out what the problem is, but he met a traditional conservative former femcel and disappeared off the face of the earth. Many people in the incel community were upset by this, however other guys started coming in to replace the role that Monday left. Namely, these would be Incelmatics (also called First) and FaceAndLMS. Interestingly enough, these incel YouTubers (who are both still up and streaming oddly enough) are extremely familiar with MGTOW content and Face said that he watches it both in the morning and before bed. However, they look at MGTOW as MSTOW which is namely a jeer meaning “Men Sent Their Own Way” rather than those who have gone their own way in the traditional sense.

So I need to redefine MGTOW, which is as Turd Flinging Monkey recently stated; “Taking control of your life.” Almost takes the whole anti-women thing out of it, which makes sense because it never was anti-women. You see, that’s the problem. Obviously MRA or Men’s Rights Activists (not to mention the Honey Badgers) existed to stop radical feminism. Feminism had gotten out of control and they wanted equality. MGTOW broke off from there because the amount of rights that men had were eroding away to the point that it wasn’t worth fighting for equality anymore. And of course, nothing in life is truly equal. There is always going to be someone who seeks to benefit and someone who will suffer because of it. It namely stated that because the number of rights held by men were eroded to such a degree, men should not marry or cohabitate with women. As I stated, that did not cancel out casual dating or even relationships, as long as both people in the relationship had a place of their own to go to and were not on joint accounts.

That being said, First and Face (as I’ll be calling them here) decided to redefine what it meant to be an incel. In 2020, the very first black pill documentary released on Youtube, simply entitled “The Black Pill”. I watched the film and provided commentary on it with my guest host during a show, but I felt that First talked far too quickly for me to understand his points. First is by all means, a very bright individual. We’re not talking about an idiot here, he qualified all the facts and figures to make a very clear picture of the modern dating market and what it has done to average or below average men, blaming it solely on social media. Social media can absolutely take some of the blame for this, but progressive agendas also have a place here. When you unseat the balance of nature, you get these kinds of anomalies. I’ll reiterate, there was nothing wrong with strong women or powerful women in society and even in high positions, but the media kept pushing all women to enter into these masculine roles that several of them just do not seem to be all that happy in. At the same time, the homemaker is looked at as some kind of sinful thing, like she has some sort of “internalized misogyny” or suchlike. This is ludicrous. My grandmother was a homemaker after she left the military. She had several children with my grandfather. It was very common for couples to have large amounts of children. Though this is First’s problem, the fact that he felt most men who worked in the fifties were entitled to a wife and children. In some ways, he is not exactly wrong and let me explain. The media largely promoted a nuclear family with a strong patriarch who read in his study. The wife would often be cleaning or cooking or taking care of the children. The father would often be grateful for his family, yet was stern with discipline. This mentality made women want men to have families with and brought about the white picket fence that so many men in the modern era still covet to this day. Now however, women are taught to be independent and not to rely on men, which leaves many men lost and without their purpose. Ingraining a society with so many years of the nuclear family has crippled the thinking processes of young men today who just plain want what their fathers had.

To further clarify, this is also why so many of them are clambering for the government to assign them a wife in an arranged marriage or to even subsidize prostitution as I’ve heard recently and starkly disagreed with. Yes, arranged marriages do seem to work for society and would give the men what they wanted, but there is no way in hell that such a thing would happen for them in progressive America. In order to have this kind of reality, they would have had to have been born in a country where arranged marriages are common, or they would have to move to a country that still respects patriarchal values and traditional gender roles.

They have also tried looksmaxing, which is a technique by which to improve one’s looks in order to get girls. It’s not a bad idea in all honesty, especially when one is suggesting positive things that one can do to pick up attractive women. However, a lot of men are having a problem even then, because social media dating has overloaded women with options they never would have had back in my day. It has gone from a couple of interesting guys that she might see at school, work or her neighborhood to thousands (and I do mean thousands) of bachelors around the world all vying for the hand of the princess. A man used to have to compete with a couple of people, or a lot of people. Though now, he has to compete with every other man in the entire world. This is why Only Fans became as popular as it has, because it allows men to pay for all the things that they normally would have gotten in a relationship (texts, phone calls, pics, videos, even meet ups) without the hassle of competition. In truth, it is a real nightmare. Obviously, the pandemic made Only Fans a viable alternative for many women and they seem to like all of the attention so much that this may be a here-to-stay payment model. On the other hand, this increased the number of incels (and puritans, but that’s another topic) among men and they now may very well make up a much larger percentage of the manosphere than ever before. They’re larger then MGTOW guys as I guess we’re on the way out – which is good, because I personally am tired of the acronym and would rather call us what we are, confirmed bachelors. Yes, I am aware that there are men sent their way, but I am not one of them and have denied advances quite recently. You might say that I’m going to continue to avoid relationships with anyone until after  what I believe is going to be a major storm has passed through. If I am still around on the other side of that monster, than so be it. Right now though, I have been considering expatriating to southeast Asia.

Though this isn’t about me, it’s about them and I have very little to say to the Shellies out there who are so awash in self-loathing that they’ll never find a way out of their hell. No one wants to be around someone who is full of self-loathing. However, to the men out there who are trying everything and still not getting the time of day, then you do honestly have my condolences. I understand that dolls, virtual reality and things that work well for me are not quite what you’ll want, so I wish you the best of luck but would offer you the same caution that I would offer to a younger version of myself. I do care deeply about these men, but honestly have no idea what I could do to help them. All I know is that we now have an incel epidemic, the very word has been changed to mean something a bit more than “can’t get laid” and as an older man who understands in part where they’re coming from, I have no idea what to do for these men and these women, because femcels and FDS (Female Dating Strategies) are a thing now as well.

In fact, I had a femcel approach me recently. She called herself a “femoid” which is a common term to describe femcels (as “moids” are obviously men) as she asked if she would be considered attractive in society’s standards. She was a bit overweight, though admitted she had some personal issues that I won’t get into, but she did keep up with herself quite well and certainly could pull a respectable number of men. Ultimately, she was not unlike women I had dated before – and when I realized that even women who looked like this were having problems, then I realized that we have a major problem in society as a whole. Perhaps, that’s the real takeaway here and unlike the patriarchal archetypes of old, I don’t think I’m going to be able to fix this. I guess that would be a bit of a black pill for me.

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