Grand Magus – Wolf God (2019)


Wolf God

Nuclear Blast


Grand Magus are an act that haven’t disappointed me yet, this new outing being just as memorable as anything else they’ve ever composed. Now I don’t get the idea of “Gold and Glory” which is a skippable intro with some electronic synths that in my opinion, have not even an inch of a place within the constructs of this band; (please gentlemen, don’t go electronic on me as there are so many other bands that I can get that from) but my fears are washed away when the pounding might of the album’s title track comes into play. Folks, that’s what heavy metal is all about, especially if you like the thumping bass lines that have made this genre what it was since the days of Black Sabbath. If we’d lived in another timeline, “A Hall Clad In Gold” is catchy enough to play on rock radio, albeit it has a thick metal edge that makes it all the more inviting. Additionally, I’m also getting touches that remind me heavily of Evergrey’s frontman — and I’m not shied away from that prospect by any means. When “Brother Of The Storm” warms up, you know that you’ve been taken hold by an album that just won’t let go. It was this moment in fact, that made me stop what I was doing to strum along with the bass. There’s almost a blues touch to it, which is only accentuated by a rocking solo. Yes folks, this is what heavy metal sounds like.

Folk influences roll in with “Dawn Of Fire” which continues to pummel my eardrums in the most erotic of ways. Ear candy simply isn’t the word when you love crispy doom, and that’s what you’re getting here. Candlemass showed us that the genre is far from dead earlier this year and Grand Magus seem to be further solidifying that with this crushingly solid performance. The Wolf God is an album that you want to play loudly and proudly to everyone in your area, especially while driving down winding rural areas, where there’s no one to hear the noise except for wandering livestock. Though if you remember from a recent YouTube video, cows apparently love doom. So let’s see if they’ll dig The Wolf God as much you do. I wouldn’t play it for actual wolves though.

Before I end this review, I want to add just one more thing. Mainly, the fact that these guys went way back into the heydays of metal with a track called “He Sent Them All The Hell” which recalls acts like Saxon, Accept, WASP and even Judas Priest if you want to go back that far. It’s a definite change of pace for an act so used to pounding doom, but I’ll welcome it with more than open arms. I love the sound of crusty old metal, and I’m finding that I as I get older I’m preferring it more than the modern stuff. Either way, there’s a lot to look forward to on this album and I’d definitely consider The Wolf God one of my favorite discs of the year. Heavy Metal is far from deceased and Grand Magus have proven that here. If you’re tired of hearing about albums written by men that you could probably take on with one arm behind your back, then grab a beer and jam this one out.


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