Grim Rants: I’M BACK, BITCHES! (Here’s What I’ve Been Doing Over The Past Few Months)

As of today, I’ve officially returned to writing duties at The Grim Tower. I’m currently dealing with some technical issues regarding our previous provider, but now we’re on a new host and ready to roast, as it were. Now let me explain where I’ve been over the past few months.

Obviously, I have been doing podcast content over a variety of platforms. That later turned into my visual novel and eroge content. YouTube struck down my channel two days ago after one of the videos contained content that was pushed too far, but several of my fans migrated to other platforms that I use, especially the one where that content is featured uncensored. We can push the boundaries there a little bit more, but I have my own personal guidelines for the content I show there, mainly being the fact that lolicon, shotacon and most bodily fluids cannot be shown. I usually use proper discretion and have been decently received on the site. In any case, it’s better than using something like Pornhub or Chaturbate where the viewer may not appreciate the story content within these games, nor would they want it personally read to them. Most people go to those sites for masturbation and while I have done pure nukige, it is not something I’m entirely crazy about as the scenes can be a bit long and get a bit boring – especially when we’re dealing with something like Closed Game, where there is active story content. I often say to the main character, “hurry up and cum already so we can get to the next part of this!”

Although I have always loved sexy stories, there is another reason why I love eroge and chose to cover it so much. Simply put, if hardcore sex is allowed, then so is everything else. Eroge games don’t just push the boundaries on sexual content, but they often up the ante when it comes to violence, blood, gore and other things that one might consider pretty metal. Not surprisingly, a couple of introduction OP’s for these games do feature some level of heavy guitar based music or straight up metal as with the intro to Dead End Aegis, which features a brand new track by Denkare. So yes, eroge IS metal. Especially darker ones like Maggot Baits, Euphoria, Starless, Eternal Torment and various others. Several of these have very horrific erotic content, which is right out of an Anal Cunt or GWAR record. Not to mention the numerous slam death albums, several in Japan which use guro imagery of anime girls (waifus) on their album covers. Denkare have also been known for doing the soundtrack to these kinds of games since way back when with the still in translation, Gore Screaming Show. I come from a heavy metal background and these games are about as dark, sinister, violent and horrific as much of the lyrical content that I remember growing up with, the kinds of bands I’ve covered over the years and so-forth.

Aside from being “The Hentai Guy” in the manosphere and the supreme degenerate, I’ve also done quite a few interviews with various people in the manosphere. I’ve interviewed Dollhouse Phil, who owns and operates The Doll House franchise, which is now global and responsible for a great deal of doll ownership in the west. I didn’t buy my doll from there, but I have purchased a few things there for her. We also promote The Doll House and would encourage you to check out any of their fine locations for all of your synthetic companion needs. I’ve also been on The Migtown Podcast, a manosphere podcast started by Drexel of Nick Rekieta fame. It’s just great to have done an episode and a few segments for the podcast which really cement my feelings on dozens of topics. I definitely plan to be on Ken’s Counseling Couch again now that the Karen drama is over with, and I’ve also interviewed a real incel from the UK, or a man who once self-described himself as an incel. That was an interesting show. I’ll be talking about anxiety with Ken and how it can greatly affect the body.

For those of you who didn’t know, towards the end of last year I was moved from days to nights. It only took a few months before I realized I couldn’t do it. Unfortunately, it started to tear my body apart and my brain was giving me several signals that I hadn’t paid much attention to until it was too late. First, my digestion got out of whack. This is because we are not nocturnal creatures and human beings have a natural circadian rhythm. We’re supposed to go to wake up in the morning and go to bed at night. The body digests and processes the food we eat during the day at night, while we’re asleep – which is a great time to do it. The melatonin in our brains acts as a battery charge and allows us to feel refreshed in the morning and ready to take on the day. A few months of this didn’t cause any real changes, but I did start to have a bit more anxiety and growing constipation (I’d always been pretty regular before that). I was also eating food at two and five in the morning regularly and sleeping during the day. This was doing a number on my body that I didn’t realize and one day while straining too hard in the bathroom, I had a vegal reaction that raised my anxiety up to eleven. I thought I had had a brain hemorrhage and was Googling my symptoms (don’t do that often by the way, it’s not good and can only lead to more stress and anxiety – you’re also often wrong about what you discover) which only made things much worse. After I had gotten out of the ER and the scan showed that everything was fine, I felt relieved for a bit. But then came October – I had Halloween plans, which I thought would have been reinstated when they would put me back on the day shift. That didn’t happen, despite how much I pleaded. In fact, it wasn’t until around November or December that there was a legitimate push and December eventually resulted in contacting their support company, which deals with issues of this nature. I also went to my doctor. Finally, after I had battled voices in my head that were telling me I was going to die on the second of December (which didn’t happen) and what eventually led to acid reflux (which I’m currently dealing with right now and is not so much of an issue as it was since my stress has been minimized) they moved me. No one could figure out the new program, which was the real holdup, and our personnel manager is completely inept so other people had to do her job for her. She was also never around. Funny how that works. Regardless, one night I came in with both my former manager and supervisor and they both worked together to transfer me over. I had told the night manager a day or so before that I was done working nights and if they weren’t going to move me, then I would quit the job altogether. They did. The night manager literally said to the daytime managers, “you can have him, he’s yours.”

And they have since seen the damage. My supervisor noticed that I started taking Apple Cider Vinegar. I’m taking dozens of supplements right now – D3, B12, C, my mushroom blend, a multivitamin and probiotics. As Leonard Cohen said, “I live on pills, for which I thank God.” I tried taking D-Limonene and that messed me up pretty bad, same with the digestive enzymes. I’m going to stick with the Apple Cider Vinegar, which my doctor actually recommended. I’m also on about 20mg of Omeprazole. Of course, the Gastroenterologist likes that Pfizer money so he prescribed 40mg of Omeprazole, but I told my nurse I was fine with and willing to wean myself off the 20mg OTC which she agreed I should do. She did say that my reflux was stress related and I have not had any esophegal damage. No matter how many goddamned BC Powders I swallowed over the years or how much alcohol and Dr. Pepper I drank. I don’t have Barretts esophagus, nor pill induced esophagitis. It’s just a bit red and inflamed from all the stress and it will take time to heal. I was also taking an antibiotic for a two day UTI I had, more than likely also stress related. Keep in mind that during the first steps of the healing process I had erectile dysfunction for about a week. I’ve had my body checked from esophagus to colon and there’s nothing really all that bad to report. This is just going to be a rough healing process. I’ve taken the last of those antibiotics and now it’s time to build my body back up with probiotics and the exercise I’m getting at my job. I lost ten pounds in a week during the beginning stages of this and now all of that weight is coming back. I’m not scared to eat anymore. I eat what I want and I make sure to incorporate things like fruits, veggies and yogurt – stuff I hadn’t been eating enough of anyway.

But then I came to the GERD/Heartburn Reddit and I cannot recommend that Reddit in any good standing. You see, some doctor by the name of Dr. Aviv wrote a book last year called “The Acid Watcher Diet.” You’ll see it with mixed reviews on Amazon. Why? Because it’s a diet cult book. Diets and cults are very similar, because people in both talk about them as if they’re the best things in the world and you must simply partake in them. That’s what all these idiots on Reddit are talking about. The doctor uses fearmongering (I’ve read excerpts of the book after I found a free copy online – Suck it, Dr.Aviv!) to basically say, “Oh my God, I found Barretts esophagus in people in their forties and thirties, oh no! We’re going to have an esophegal cancer epidemic in a few years that will kill millions!” Fuck off with that. The guy ought to be fucking sued for writing this shit. Especially since despite his long-time as a rich Gastroenterologist who can afford all this health food stuff, he doesn’t have any other doctors to cite ANYTHING in the book. There’s no other doctors who can vouch for what he says in the book. So you have devoted cultists who love it as well as any other fad diet (which is what this is) and swear it will protect them from the dreaded Barrett’s esophagus (which can actually occur in very healthy people as well) and the cancer. Well, guess what? You’re going to die of something.

Here’s where I have to get dark and offensive. I’m going to say stuff here because I can’t on communist censorship Reddit, where they can delete posts and comments that they find offensive or upsetting to others. Grow up, you pussies. As I was scrolling through, I noticed a few people talking about how depressed they were because they couldn’t eat anything but the crap on that diet. “My daughter gets to drink and party with her friends and I can’t eat anything that she can.” Well, m,y advice is to go into the gun cabinet, load the barrel and insert the thing into your mouth. Because guess what? A life where you can’t enjoy things is not a life worth living. I get it. You’re scared of the goddamned cancer. But lady, what if you don’t get that cancer, but you get another one? Or maybe you just fucking drop dead one day because people do? Or you get killed by a nut in a grocery store? I’ll bet some of those people in there during the massacre were also trying to eat healthy so that they could avoid death. But when death comes, it comes! You cannot fucking run or hide from it. A man went out jogging and just fucking collapsed – boom, stone cold dead. People live and people die. Remember, life is not worth living if you can’t enjoy it. The main thing I can say is that people more or less do need to start eating better, but that doesn’t mean you have to be someone who eats nothing but healthy, vegan non-GMO soy-filled whole foods. Have that fucking steak if you want it. Have a beer if you want it. Drink a few shots if you want to. Just don’t overdo it and you’ll be fine.

Another thing they constantly promote on that Reddit are the goddamned PPIs (Proton Pump Inhibitors) like Omeprazole, Pantoprazole, Esomeprazole and others. All of these pills can overtime cause cancer and of course, you have people on there saying they’ve been taking them for twenty years. Idiots! There are thirteen thousand different lawsuits aimed at Pfizer and other companies around these products. Also, according to studies, a whopping seventy percent of people say they get no relief from these products. So they’re causing a wealth of health problems, but as long as they keep “muh heartburn” away, they don’t care. That’s the kind of stupidity you’ll find on Reddit though, which in my personal opinion is a site that needed to have been nuked off the face of the earth years ago. As a matter of fact, they had to discourage people from talking about covid-19 in the heartburn thread, if you can believe that. It’s just more censorship from the heartburn cult and more proof that Reddit should never have existed in the first place. So never go there for your health symptoms. Quora can be just as bad. If you need advice on medical information, please go see your primary care physician and if it is an emergency, please head to the nearest hospital. Do not rely solely on the internet for all of your health related inquiries. Doctors even advise against it, regardless of what some fancy blog might decide to tell you otherwise. If you have Doctor On Demand, use that app. Though expensive, it is much better than talking to random people on the internet about your health or looking through similar health related questions (don’t fall down the Google rabbit hole).

Finally, this more or less explains what I’ve been up to lately and I hope that you’ll enjoy the new direction of the site as I start working on covering some of the recent eroge I’ve played and finished.

– The Grim Lord

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