Editorial: Bang The Drum Slowly, Dumbass: Beavis & Butthead and Why Men Need To Vent

If you haven’t noticed by now, male spaces have been dwindling on the internet and while they claim they’re wiping out the evils of male misogyny, female misandry has skyrocketed to unforeseen heights that have left many men scared, lonely and in some cases pining for anime waifus. A lot of people might call these men incels, simps and other such terms but in all honesty, this is a story that goes further back than that. Way back, in fact. This is a story that can be echoed in the Mike Judge classic cartoon, Beavis & Butthead.

For all sake and purposes, Beavis & Butthead are incels. They spend most of the series trying to attract women in order to “score” which often turns out bad for them. There’s even an episode called “Island” where they end up with a mannequin, treating it very much like myself and other men do with our sex dolls today. This was the early nineties and RealDoll hadn’t even existed yet. There was no such thing as a modern sex doll. But that’s beside the point. What I’m really getting at here is the fact that Judge created a show for young men that addressed many of the problems that were going on in their lives around the time as well as what is going on currently with young men today. Just a few days ago, a young incel took lives at a spa in a series of incidents which I do not see ending anytime soon. As men continue to be badgered by entitled e-thots who look at them as subhuman garbage, they will only continue to become infuriated, radicalize and commit more violent acts. This is why men need to vent. Let’s take the episode I want to call into question, “Bang The Drum Slowly” because there’s a lot of context there.



The episode basically deals with our two young delinquent males gathered around a bunch of other, much older men in a way that recalls the psychedelic sixties. The ringleader of this is of course, their homeroom teacher. As the drum is passed around in this gathering of male values, Butthead hits the drum a few times and can think of nothing. Though when Beavis hits the drum, it is quite telling – he immediately uses it as a conduit to release all of his suppressed anger and frustrations for hours on end, much to the dismay of the other men, who become dissatisfied and walk away. Eventually, even Butthead leaves as Beavis continues to go to town, going into stark detail about such things as tearing down the walls of the girl’s locker room so that he could see them. Such voyeuristic approaches are certainly not tailored for the modern era, but they are no doubt ideas that young men think about when they’re going through puberty.

This my friends, is the example of your modern male space. Men are either venting out their frustrations, talking about the puss they’ll slay or even more political or hobby pursuits that are geared towards men. As Drexel of The Migtown Podcast said, these spaces had to become invite only and very few if any women are ever invited in. These “No Girls Allowed” spaces had to be put into place as every woman seems to think that a venting man is capable of violence. Though this is false. While every man is indeed capable of harm, venting our their frustrations to other much older and in many cases wiser and more experienced men is what brings about change in behavior and can in many cases instill them with a sense of purpose. Many men these days have no idea what that even entails and it’s frightening. Men walking around with no other purpose but the desire for reproduction is what will cause society to cave in on itself. After all, it is men who built the structures and foundations of industry that we take for granted today and it is men who must be responsible for them in the future. Without men to maintain these structures, we’re looking at the very end of western civilization as we know it. Yet the media is doing nothing to facilitate the needs of men as they cater to women and beat the dead horse of “girl power” with nearly every single show on the commercial market today.

When I was a younger, I remember that there were a lot of programs for men. These programs embraced masculinity and were a bit sexist, though for good reason – They were for men and men are not naturally politically correct. We take pleasure in fart humor, buxom babes and discussing the less colorful aspects of relationships with women. Take The Howard Stern Shown, The Man Show, the aforementioned Beavis & Butthead, Manswers and the whole damned Spike channel in it’s infancy and you’ll see that there were programs that geared towards men. Even Drexel mentioned this in a Rekieta Law stream. There is nowhere else for men to go but to YouTube, Bitchute, Dlive and other areas. They still have private servers which are no doubt heavily monitored, but they had Reddit threads for a while until those mainly got quarantined. Men have nowhere else to go but to places that idolize women and give them special privileges like Twitch and OnlyFans. The Manosphere is the only real place on the internet that we have left and even YouTube is trying to censor that, resulting in a further underground dive like something out of 1984.

The problem with what they consider to be toxic masculinity, is that it is masculinity. Masculinity as a whole is toxic to the feminist mind and we’ve numerous examples to prove of it, whether we’re talking about harlots like Anita Sarkeesian, Monica Rial or virtually any other woman who considers all or most men to be trash. I’m also seeing a lot more of it on social media, as many of these sites are practically overrun with women and become terribly dangerous areas for males. Sure, there are definitely a couple of women there who understand the issue and are taking men’s side in the fight, but that number is few and far between.

At the end of the day, it comes down to common sense. If men are not allowed places where they can bang the drum for hours and hours to men who might actually hear them out (unlike the toon) and this behavior can prevent them from taking up radical arms against society or women who they feel have wronged them, then I think it is worth it. Men need to vent now more than ever and they should be given that option. No matter how toxic and misogynist they may be on these platforms, it is nothing worse than what I’ve seen from women as of late and certainly far less destructive than the patterns we have been seeing. So by all means, we should be letting men bang their drums as they continue their search for meaning and purpose or what might be truly seen as a new male right of passage in a world where ideological views have tainted the fabled image of those “hot babes” that Beavis & Butthead were always looking for.

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